I mean think about it. Life's too short to take it seriously anyway.
And if you live life like you're afraid to die then when you die,
you'll realize you haven't live at all or something like that. (I'm trying to sound smart so bear with me.)
Or by the time you're through, you'll just look like an old hag. Seriously. You don't wanna live life looking like that.
This is err, a place I call home. My comfort zone.
A place where I can do stuff without anyone nagging me about it.
Here in a loosey-goosey environment, I write. I listen. I speak. I draw.
I curse. I play. I flirt. I dance. I party. I try to entertain. I...
just do. 'Coz I want to. And you can't do anything about it.
Well, what are you doing here? Believe it or not, destiny have brought you here little one..(and serendipity perhaps?)
Everything happens for a reason. At this very moment. YOU should be here. "COINCIDENCE happens."
Since you are here just the same, please take the time to look around. I'm sure you'll find something interesting to read or look at. This thing you are reading right now won't tell you what I'm all about. See the pictures below?! (..those are navigational things and have some purpose) So use your mouse to accomplish something..
And, oh yeah.. Make the most out of your stay
Thursday, September 07, 2006
We Can Leave This Town and Run Forever
So we pick it up from where I left off...
the reading book thing.
Oh you didn't know? Then you shouldn't be here 'coz you obviously don't know what I'm talkin about.
Check out, now. Homie.
Anyway there was a sale in Powerbooks last week so I stroll in and try to look for more books to buy. Then, I saw this girl looking at me and wondering what am I gonna do with thick books under my arm which consists of topics ranging from manipulation, finance, and management. Of course it doesn't help that I have a dirty shirt on with my torn jeans which makes me look like a homeless guy that WOULD steal books and sell them off to buy drugs. She had this "do you even know how to read" look on.
I want to really tell her off but then I realized that she had this skirt that was handed down by her great great grandma with matching thick eyeglasses so who am I to argue with Einstein's daughter. So I just went on with my bizness.
I got two books because I was broke. Wait, I'm always broke. Anyway here is MY favorite part in Veronika Decides to Die. Paulo describes how your life will play out. It's a little freaky.
Remember this is Veronika talking so if you're a dude just change some of scenes into a guy who has a beer belly, all alone in an apartment, with no girl and his right hand as company while watching some porn.
I don't wanna be that guy.
You can start all over again. You wake up. You go to work. You'll start frequenting the same bars and night clubs, you'll talk about the injustices and problems of the world, you'll go to the movies, take walks around streets, the main square, and the bridges. You'll see the same people going to and from work.
You're still young, pretty, and intelligent, you won't have any difficulty getting boyfriends. You'll make love with them, feel a certain degree of pleasure but the moment you reach orgasm, the feeling of emptiness will return. You won't have much to talk about, and both he and you will know it. The time will come to make our excuses. It's late. I have to get up early and you guys will break up.
You go back to your rented room, read a book, turn on the TV to see the same old programs, set the alarm clock to wake up at exactly the same time you woke up the day before and mechanically repeat your tasks. Eat at the same place. See the same people. Go back to work, listen to gossip about who's going out with whom, suffering from what, how such and such was in tears about her husband, you'll feel privileged. You're pretty, have a job, you can find another boyfriend so you'll go back to bars at the end of the day and start all over again.
You're mother will ask what you'll do with the rest of your life and why you're not the same as everyone else. She tried to give you the best possible upbringing and set you the best possible example.
One day you'll get tired of hearing the same things and to please her you'll marry a man whom you OBLIGED to love. He and you will end up finding a way of dreaming of a future together, a house, and children for the future. We'll make love often in the first year, less in the second and after third year, people think about sex only once in two weeks. Even worse we'll barely talk. You'll force yourself to accept the situation and wonder what's wrong with you because he no longer takes interest in you and does nothing but talk about his friends.
When the marriage is about to fall apart, you'll get pregnant. You'll have a child, fell closer to each other for a while, and then the situation will go back to what it was before. You'll begin to put on weight. Go on diets and feel deflated each week. Take magic pills. Few more children conceive during night of love that passes too quickly. You'll tell everyone that the children are my REASON FOR LIVING when in reality MY LIFE is their reason for living.
People will always consider us a happy couple and no one will know how much solitude, bitterness, and resignation lies beneath the surface happiness.
Until one day your husband takes a lover for the first time and you will kick up a fuss. You'll be too old and cowardly with 2 or 3 children who need help. You need to consider them before you abandon everything. You'll make a scene. Threaten to leave and take the children with you. Husband back down and tell you he loves you and it won't happen again. Your ONLY option is to go back to your parents and forced to listen how you lost the opportunity to be happy and how the children are traumatized by the separation.
2 or 3 years another woman will appear. You'll find out because you saw them or someone told you. But this time you'll pretend to not know. You used up all energy fighting against the other lover. It's best to accept life as it really is and not as you imagined it to be. Your mother was right.
He will continue being a considerate husband. You'll still work. Watching TV as they were 10, 20, 50 years ago. You'll eat with the guilt of being fatter and you won't go to bars because you have a husband and children expecting you to com home.
You'll wait for the children to grow up. One day find the conclusion that that's what life is like: there's no point in worrying about it, nothing will change. And you'll accept it.
Mr. Poe is a paradox. He is young yet he is old. That is from his age and his responsibilities.
He has a day job and what does he do at night? Nobody knows yet.
Whether he is a Casanova, a dead ringer for a celebrity, or a ninja, only a few people will know.
Sometimes he can be generally boring or a walking time bomb. Spontaneous.
Some sources thinks he is like a riddle and he to likes being mysterious with that poker face of his.
And he likes it that way. If he is inspired or compelled by necessity, he likes to and writes forgettable pieces of poetry and songs or draw undecipherable works of garbage err.. arts.
Otherwise, the rest of his time is consumed by web design, painting, and sports.
Apathy. That's what he feels most of the time but wants to go to heaven. Still Optimistic.
He still believes he is a prodigy and secretly hopes he has traces of the Godfather, Beatles, and Da Vinci in his soul.
The views and opinions on this website may not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of Mr Poe.
It is those of that stupid monkey behind the keyboard. Don't worry. He's trained and domesticated.
If you happen to disagree with some of the views and opinions in this website, don't worry.
I maybe wrong but I doubt it.
Warning: Although Mr. Poe has taken reasonable precautions to ensure no irresponsible pages, inappropriate language, or indecent behavior are present in this website,
Mr. Poe cannot accept responsibility for any loss in knowledge or damage to the brain arising from the use of this website.
Who you callin' a softcake?
...these are the result of procrastinating at work.
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